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Interview by Liane Buck After several years of working as an Intuitive, Veronica Lee began to notice patterns that were unfolding for many of her clients. These patterns were revealing of major shifts in our Spiritual Evolution - also known as "Awakening" or "Ascension." She knew that expansion was upon us in a really big way... for individuals, our collective consciousness, and the planet. Recognizing her role as an "ancient soul" with the ability to see and feel the energetic shifts, it was clear to her that it was time to offer support to other light-bearers as they stepped into their next phase of their ascension process. is thrilled to have one of our own writers gracing our cover this week. Veronica Lee is a Spiritual Mentor and Mystic. She shares her insights and wisdom with thousands around the globe, directing people to align with their essence, discover their inherent gifts, and cultivate empowered, joyful lives. November B 2015 Edition