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wondered, or do they have a force of their own? I know most organized religions have always extolled the virtues of prayer as an appeal to God to provide relief from pain and suffering or to achieve a goal – similar to passing an exam, finding a good job, or connecting with an ideal mate. In this paradigm, our thoughts are not instruments of change themselves, but are merely a way of communicating our desires to God, who has the power to deliver the desired result if He sees fit. This is in keeping with their belief that God controls and manipulates all the events in our lives, and we must pray to God to get the results we want. Albert dismissed this belief as an invention of the holy men; a tool they could use to control the masses. Albert made it clear that the Source does not manipulate events on Earth or interfere with the free will actions of humans, which means that prayer and worship will not prompt the Source to interfere with our lives. If our thoughts/prayers will not cause the Source to act on our behalf, how do thoughts affect our reality on Earth? Albert says that thoughts affect your reality because they create your perception about the events you encounter every day. When things happen to you, your mind will perceive them to be either good or bad, sending out thoughts that will foster either positive or negative emotions. If you prefer to live a happy life, then you must focus your thoughts on being happy regardless of what you encounter. On the other hand, if you let negative thoughts rule the day, you will spend most of your life mired in gloom and despair. Your thoughts can also affect your reality when you communicate with other people. Humans can consciously and unconsciously project their thoughts toward others to persuade them to choose a certain course of action. Some people are very adept at selling things or convincing others to do as they wish. They are able to do so mainly because they can beam powerful thoughts, often unconsciously, to persuade others to do want they want. The people who receive these thoughts usually respond without being consciously aware of these thought projections. June 2015 D Editi on