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We receive intuitive messages many ways and one of the ways is through pictures or images that pop up in our mind. Clairvoyance is known as ‘clear seeing’ which is receiving intuitive messages through images outside of you or seeing them in your mind’s eye. In my working with students, often there seems to be confusion over what ‘seeing in your mind’s eye’ means for people. Here are a few myths and tips that can help you receive images as intuitive messages. Myth 1: “Clairvoyant images are seen outside the body and are in full Technicolor high definition detail.” Okay, there are two myths here. First, most people who receive messages clairvoyantly ‘see’ them in their mind’s eye. That is the same place where your imagination creates images. Remember, these are not images outside of you. If you can spell the word “CAT” in your mind by picturing the letters, you can receive intuitive images. Secondly, another misconception is clairvoyant images are highly detailed and elaborate. Tip 1: The images that you see clairvoyantly are usually not in full detail and they may not be complete. For example, you may see a face clairvoyantly, but only see hair shape and style, but the face features are not clear. Clairvoyant images are often piecemeal. Many times what you remember is only a part of the image, but if you try to remember more of the image, you’ll realize there was more in the image you saw. Keep in mind these images are in your mind’s eye, not always outside of you. Myth 2: “Clairvoyance is something you are born with and is not developed, either you have it or you don’t.” As my students have heard me say many times, most of us can see, feel, hear, smell and taste. We don’t classify ourselves as just a ‘seeing’ person or a ‘hearing’ person. So, wouldn’t it make sense that we can be clairvoyant (see our intuitive messages), clairaudient (hear our intuitive messages), clairsentient (feel our messages), clairalient (smell messages) and clairgustant (receive messages through taste) all together? Many times people feel that they are only clairsentient because they recognize more of their intuitive messages through feeling. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t get messages clairvoyantly, OR cannot develop clairvoyance. Tip 2: In the beginning of developing my own intuitive skills, I did not receive images as intuitive messages, and always thought being clairvoyant would be awesome. Through intuition development techniques I am now very clairvoyant. How was this done? First, believe that you can do this, because you are a seeing person. By practicing noticing images in your mind and even creating them through your imagination, you will become more familiar with your ‘mind’s eye’. You can further your practice by looking at pictures, paintings and drawings in magazines, museums and books. When you are looking at a picture with your physical eyes, close your eyes and in your mind, imagine the picture you just saw. This will help you become familiar with what ‘seeing in your mind’s eye’ means to you. June 2014 B Editi on